Recent Gardening Guides from CCG Managers:
CCGarden Fall Newsletter – Lots of tips for the Fall.
Fall Tomato Guide – Tailored expressly for CCGarden
Successful Fall Veggies Guide – What grows best in CCG in the Fall?
Successful Winter Veggies Guide – What grows best in CCG in the winter?
CCGarden Spring Newsletter – Get the latest tips for success.
Successful Spring Veggies Guide – What grows best in CCG in the spring?
Bug & Plant Disease Solutions – All-organic disease and bug control.
Marcia’s Homemade Pest & Disease Remedies – These work for her.
Chart of Nutrition Deficiencies – What minerals might be missing from your soil.
Crop Rotation Chart – An easy to understand schematic.
Extension Pamphlets for Florida Vegetable Gardening:
- Florida Vegetable Gardening Guide – NECESSARY READING – tells you what to plant when!!
- Beneficial Insects – Get to know your friends in the garden!
- Insect Management in the Home Garden – Here is a description of insects that are garden pests.
- Integrated Pest Management WalletCard – Print it, fold it, keep in your wallet for instant advice.
- Organic Gardening, Composting, Beekeeping, etc. – Great reading!
- Power Point on COMPOSTING – More great reading!
- Organic Soil Amendments – Helpful advice.
Get Help from Sarasota’s Master Gardeners:
- Browse the Sarasota County Extension’s Calendar of Classes – Attend local, mostly free, workshops and courses
Links to helpful gardening sites around the web:
- American Community Gardening Association – Individual membership is about $45. Learn, Connect, Take Action as an ACGA member.
- Practical Advice for Attracting Native Pollinator Insects – (from Xerces Society) Find advice on choosing plants that offer nectar and pollen, host plants for caterpillars, and creating nest sites for solitary bees.
- ATTRA’s tool to identify pests and their controls – Organic solutions only – Biorational – very cool!
- Organic Gardening Tips – from Cornell University
- Square Foot Gardening – refreshingly simple ideas
- Raised bed garden ideas – Sunset magazine’s plans and instructions
Where to buy organic seeds, straw, etc:
- Extensive Directory of LOCAL Farm and Garden Supplies in TransitionSarasota’s Bradenton to Port Charlotte Eat Local Guide
- Stockyard LOCAL source for bales of straw (ca. $10), 1010 Cattleman, bet. Bahia Vista and Palmer Blvd.
- Albritton’s Nursery 4151 Proctor Rd. LOCAL source for organic compost, Neem, and Thuricide.
- Florida Native Plant Nursery a LOCAL source for organic seedlings
- Green Leaf Worm Farm a LOCAL source for nightcrawlers, worm castings, & worm tea
- Johnny’s Selected Seeds hundreds of different organic vegetable seed varieties
- Tomato Growers Supply Co. Ft. Myers – tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, books
- Harris Seeds online source for everything for the garden
- Gardener’s Supply Co. tools, seedstarters, etc.
- Peaceful Valley Farm and Garden Supply sells all sorts of supplies and seeds
- Southern Exposure Seed Exchange ‘Saving the Past for the Future’
- Renee’s Garden heirloom and gourmet vegetable seeds
- Seed Savers collects and distributes rare vegetable seeds
Support these vendors who support our community garden:
- Lowe’s on Central Sarasota Parkway – donated our fire extinguisher, pipe fittings, and Trex
- Brilliant Harvest – Bill Johnson & Ariel constructed our solar pumping system
- Oasis Montana – designed our solar pumping system
- Gorman’s Plumbing Supply – donated PVC pipes and fittings
- Bloomings Landscape and Turf Management – donated PVC pipes and fittings
- Broedell Plumbing Supply – donated all of our faucets and fittings
- Ardaman Assoc. – donated cement cylinders for our cornerstones
- Simply Trees of Venice FL – continues to give us free mulch!
- Ruck Brothers Bricks – donated bricks and pavers
- Desrosiers Interlocking Brick Pavers – donated bricks and pavers
Protective Clothing
- FISHING HATS – On Amazon, they they cost about $25 and up.
Or shop at Economy Tackle, 6018 S Tamiami Trail, opposite Sarasota Memorial Park. They sell all sorts of sun protective clothing for men and women.
- FISHING HATS – On Amazon, they they cost about $25 and up.